
The Songsarek Garo of Meghalaya

TIMOUR CLAQUIN CHAMBUGONG Garo society is relatively well known in the anthropological literature for being matrilineal, uxorilocal (matrilocal) and matrifocal. The regions of India (and what is now Bangladesh) where the Garo live, came under British administration in the nineteenth

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The Anir Islands, Spirits, Masks and Performances in Southern New Ireland

ANTJE S. DENNER The cultures of New Ireland in Papua New Guinea’s Bismarck Archipelago are well known for elaborate ceremonies. These form parts of commemorative ritual cycles extending over many years. In the northern half of the province, malagan, intricate

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In North Sumatra, An Unknown Group, The Kalasan Batak

JEAN PAUL BARBIER-MUELLER The Batak have been known for a long time. The geographer Claudius Ptolemy, without naming them, mentioned their port of Barus, or Baros, on the shores of the Indian Ocean, from which were exported camphor, reputedly the

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The Sacred, the Secret, On the Wan, the Mona and the Koyaka of Côte d’Ivoire

ALAIN-MICHEL BOYER How many African peoples, small in number, remain “forgotten” today, even though the countries where they live are themselves well known? That is the case in Côte d’Ivoire, which has more than sixty ethnic groups and sixty languages.

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